September - the season of Change

September Energies Update (Sep 8 – Oct 7)
The end of summer vacation and the beginning of a new school year always seems to signal a fresh start all over again. Changes are in the air and this is our second chance to reset our routines and rhythm, to reflect on how we have achieved against our New Year goals. This month is a great time for us to rethink our priorities and perhaps re calibrate our plans before the end of the year approaches.
Below you’ll find a quick summary of the best and least favorable sectors of the month. Read on to find out more….
The sectors with the best luck
The South continues to be blessed by auspicious energy as the month’s Wealth 8 Star pays a visit. The Southwest is host to the White 1 Star of income and career opportunity. The West is visited by the Romance / Academic 4 Star bringing good news for love and relationships.
The sectors with the worst luck
The monthly Five Yellow has flown into the Northwest sector bringing money troubles and arguments (add metal). The East is afflicted by the Illness 2 Star and the severity is expanded by the annual 9 Star. This unfortunate union of stars generate energies that bring illness to residents of this sector. The Northeast which is already afflicted with the annual Five Yellow has the #7 Violent star visiting this month. The aggressive combination indicates danger of accidents and money loss.
Southeast 1/3
The Southeast has mixed energies this month. It can be a stressful month for residents in this sector as the argumentative 3 star flies in. If unchecked, minor disagreements could flare up to big flights. At its worst, legal issues can ensue. Keep the energies in check with red/gold and exercise patience. Do not hang bells or wind chimes here that could stir up the angry energy.
South 6/8
This sector has good wealth and money luck this month. For those who live in this part of the house, your work and popularity luck gets a boost. You may also find help from a mentoring figure. Enhance prosperity chi with water or wealth symbols. If this is a bedroom, use crystals to energize (never use water in bedroom).
Southwest 8/1
The Southwest is host to the White 1 Star this month bringing excellent career and income luck to those living in this sector. There are opportunities for career advancement and new business prospects. If this is your front door area, displaying a water fountain can enhance the good fortune. Any wealth symbols like birds, horses or the 8 auspicious symbols are also suitable.
East 9/2
The East has the unfortunate combination of #2 Illness Star magnified by the #9 Purple Star that bring sickness to residents of this sector. If you have a home office located here, you could have business health, relationship or financial problems. Men and eldest sons are most vulnerable. Hang a 6-rod wind chime or display a golden wu lou or 6 gold coins with red thread to subdue the negative chi.
Center 2/4
The #4 star represents academic / literary or romance luck. The center of household gets a big improvement in luck this month particularly for students and writers. Display a yellow crystal globe or point to boost exam luck. On the romance front, singles can rejoice on increased opportunities while married men and women should keep an eye on unwanted sexual advances. Watch out for marital infidelity if your bedroom is located here.
West 4/6
The two stars create a sum of ten combinations that brings excellent wealth luck, especially for anyone for works in this sector. Look out for windfall luck related to money, sales or literary works. Add gems and stones here to enhance – displaying a Wealth Tree can boost good fortune. Some mental blockage may occur slowing down inspirations – place a blue crystal ball on your work desk to help promote creativity.
Northeast 5/7
The negative 5 Yellow energy of the Northeast gets worse with the aggressive chi of the #7 star of burglary and violence. This combination indicates danger of accidents and money loss. Watch out for loss of possessions through theft. Also watch out for illnesses related to stomach related diseases, through food and mouth. You may can remedy with the anti-burglary blue rhino / elephant symbols, and /or display a golden wu lou here.
North 7/9
The annual #7 negative energies here are further expanded by the visiting #9 star. Houses facing north is afflicted with burglary threat. Make sure doors are secured; protect with anti-burglary blue rhino/elephant symbols. If this area is your bedroom, expect more arguing than usual. Temper the argumentative energy with a smooth round crystal ball. Do not leave open fires unattended as there is danger of excessive fire energy as well.
Northwest 3/5
The monthly five yellow afflicts this sector, causing money troubles, disharmony and possible loss of wealth and business luck. If your bedroom or office is here, you will face financial issues. Male adults are especially affected. Place a Five Element pagoda here to control the afflicted energies. Keep area quiet and avoid wind chimes here.

New Moon Wishes
There are two New Moons for September. The next one will be in Virgo on Friday September 30th at 8:11 pm EST.
Virgo rules the lower intestines and stomach area. If there's ever a month to "listen to your gut," this is it. The stomach is often called the second brain, and why we so often feel things most strongly in the stomach. Your stomach is also called the solar plexus, so listen to it more closely this month when you have an inkling.
In addition, wishes related to serving others, the home, perfectionism, and communication are all excellent. Nervous tension is a problem at this time, so wishes relating to calm and serenity are also beneficial. This is an excellent sign for making wishes related to work and career gains, pets, and overall health. Maybe you've been contemplating a change? This is the month to set the wheels in motion for it. This is a time of new beginnings, and sometimes, a cosmic "kick in the pants." Whatever happens, things will change at this point. The sun ensures we don't become complacent.
The full moon on September 16th will be a lunar eclipse and may mark an ending. Sometimes there's a shock. Go easy on yourself around this date. These lunar movements can sometimes make us melancholy, but it’s all part of moving us forward in life.
Be sure to make your 10 wishes within 48 hours of the New Moon for most effective use of the timing. Click here to read about how to make your wishes for the New Moon.
Source: Kathryn Weber, Red Lotus Letter