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Some choose to make their annual Feng Shui changes to their house, such as moving elements and enhancements like water fountains, plants and windchimes, on February 4th. Some choose to do it sooner than that. Which one is right?


Feng Shui is not a religion nor is it superstitions. It’s an ancient Chinese practice that is both scientific and precise. Known as “Chi” or “Qi”, energies exist all around us. We don’t see it, but we feel and are affected by it. Much like electricity, it’s invisible to our naked eyes but we benefit from the results of tapping into its power.

Two Important Dates You Should Know


The first is Chinese New Year. This is the start of the lunar calendar year and the date each year changes dependent upon the first New Moon of the year.

The second date of importance is the Feng Shui New Year date. Unlike the lunar year date, the feng shui date follows the solar cycle and never changes. And while the animal year New Year date will change and vary from year to year, the feng shui date of February 4 stays the same.

When to Make Your Feng Shui Changes

Whenever you are ready to make the changes to your house to protect it, and hence your life, from dilemmas, accidents, illnesses, injuries and financial problems, is to me, always the best time.

For annual feng shui changes, you can choose to make your placements on February 4th or sooner. Either is fine. Even so, I recommend that sometime in the month preceding the new Feng Shui Year, you should begin preparing to greet the annual shift in energies by making changes around your home, in your office and in your bedroom.

When Should You Consider Getting a Feng Shui Consultation?

You May want a Consultation with a Professional
to Help You Get It Right When . . .



New Beginnings


  • You are looking for a fresh beginning of a New Year – start off in a new direction instead of having the same old energies as the ones you have had.

  • You are planning to buy a new home. This is a pivotal time of your life and understanding how a house can influence your life once you move in can help you make the best choices / decisions.

  • You are planning to build a new home / office, or you are looking to remodel, renovate or have landscaping projects to your current home or office.

  • You are moving your residence or business to a new location.

  • You just moved into a new place.

  • You are starting a new career / business or entering a new phase of your life.

  • You get married or move in with a roommate or partner.


Feeling Stuck
  • You are not getting support at work and feeling the level of success and personal happiness you desire.

  • You wish to start a family and having difficulty having a baby.

  • You feel stuck in a negative situation and there is no obvious way out. 

  • You have been living in the same place for too long and need to infuse it with fresh energy and add some new shifts to your life.


Sudden / Major Changes in Life
  • You have a major life change, such as a divorce, death or milestone birthday and want to create the most supportive environment for yourself.

  • You have experienced a sudden change in fortunes, such as a job loss, relationship difficulties, or struggling with financial issues.

Personal Challenges —
Health / Finance / Career / Relationships
  • You or your family is struggling with some chronic health issues.

  • You are having sleep difficulties.

  • You want to restore your family balance, enhance your prosperity, relationships, creativity or children’s study.

  • You want to be less stressed, more successful and more inspired.

  • You are already successful and energetic and want even more of it!







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