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Unlocking the Insights of the Yin Water Rooster Month: What Can We Expect?

Welcome to #Bazi & #FengShuiFriday by Margaret

Seek clarity and precision - be prepared for more changes ahead.

Yin Water Rooster meets Yang Wood Dragon

On September 7, the Yin Water Rooster month begins. Let's explore how the Yin Water Rooster month will interact with the Yang Wood Dragon year in 2024.

Yin Water Rooster Month 

  • Yin Water  (癸 Gui):  Represents calm, adaptability, and wisdom. It's a gentle, flowing water element. 

  • Rooster (酉 You): Associated with the Yin Metal (辛 Xin) element, it signifies precision, organization, and discipline. Roosters also have a strong sense of responsibility and a need for order, almost perfection. 


Yang Wood Dragon Year 

  • Yang Wood 甲: Symbolizes growth, vitality, and the energy of spring. It is associated with creativity, expansion, and a strong drive to push forward. Yang Wood is sturdy and ambitious, much like a tree reaching towards the sky. 

  • Dragon 辰: Represents power, authority, and transformation. The Dragon is a symbol of leadership, strength, and luck. It is charismatic, bold, and often associated with significant change and opportunities.  

Understanding the Key Elements At Play:

Wood and Water: In the interaction between Yin Water (癸 Gui) and Yang Wood (甲 Jia), Water is generally supportive of Wood, as Water nourishes Wood, helping it grow and thrive. This interaction suggests that the Yang Wood Dragon year will benefit from the nourishing influence of the Yin Water Rooster month, potentially leading to positive developments and growth. 


Metal and Wood: The Rooster, being associated with Metal, might have a complex relationship with the Yang Wood Dragon. Metal can cut Wood, which might introduce some challenges or conflicts between these elements. However, this dynamic can also stimulate growth and improvement, pushing for more creative solutions or innovations. 

A Special Month - The Rooster and Dragon Combination:  

When the Dragon and Rooster unite in Chinese astrology, they have the potential to strengthen the Metal element as their elements overlap. This pairing is believed to generate or intensify Metal energy.


Implications of the Amplified Metal Energy:


  •    Metal Characteristics: Metal in Chinese astrology symbolizes clarity, precision, strength, and discipline. It can help in organization, strategic planning, and achieving goals. 

  •    Support and Structure: The combination of the Dragon and Rooster might lead to a period where structure, organization, and clear-cut strategies become more prominent. This can be beneficial for focusing on long-term goals, refining plans, or taking on leadership roles. 


Harnessing the Power:


  •    Opportunities for Structuring / Redefining : With the Metal element being produced, you may find opportunities to solidify plans, organize your life, or focus on career advancements. It's a good time to review the outcome of your past six months efforts and use this month for finetuning goals, building foundations and pursuing projects with precision. Take advantage of this period to implement refinements to systems or processes in your personal or professional life that you have learned or initiated last month.


  •   Handling Conflicts: Metal’s influence can sometimes lead to sharpness or conflict. Be prepared for potential disputes or challenges in communication. Use the Rooster (辛 Xin) Metal's clarity to address issues directly and constructively. Approach conflicts or challenges with clarity and preciseness. Metal energy can aid in resolving issues efficiently but be mindful of being overly critical or rigid. 


  •    Increased Productivity: The Metal element can drive a period of increased productivity and effectiveness. It can help you cut through distractions and focus on what's important. Stay Focused: Use the Metal energy to hone in on your goals and work diligently towards achieving them. 

Get Ready for the Changes Coming

In the upcoming month of the Yang Wood Dog, which is known as the Year Breaker month, a clash between Dog and Dragon is anticipated, resembling a clash of the titans. Take advantage of the energy in September to gain clarity and speed up your personal transformational journey. Reflect on the lessons to be learned and obstacles to be overcome, as neglecting them might lead to unexpected challenges in October.

Are you seeking assistance in understanding previous trends, current obstacles, and upcoming fate? Are you aware that your birth chart contains the key to your soul agreement?


Get the 2024 BaZi & Feng Shui Package for detailed and customized guidance to confidently and clearly navigate the upcoming year. Take advantage of this valuable offer to prepare for a successful and rewarding 2024.


With Love & Light,

Sukha Living with Margaret


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